Monday, October 09, 2006


As I read your heartfelt and courageous email I was overcome by emotion as I realized the great courage that it took to not only admit to yourself that a problem exists, but your willingness to be so open to your friends, family and peers. Your complete honesty is without question the key to your recovery and such a huge example to so many others for many reasons. I’m sure in time your honesty, your willingness to be so humble will change the lives of many others who you know, that face similar or related issues in their lives. I feel such great kinship towards you and in fact love you a great deal as a friend. I have only the highest regard for you both professionally and personally and will offer prayers on your behalf as you tackle this problem. I also want you to know if in your process you ever need a listening ear, someone to play some hoop with, go on a bike ride or grab a cup of coffee that I will drop anything I am doing to be there. I’m not sure if you and I have ever spoken of my father, but he too was a functioning alcoholic. I have spent much of my adult life trying to understand him, while he was alive and since his death 15 years ago. He like you was a great man, but unlike you never sought help. His inaction caused a great deal of pain for others around him and all of his children face issues related to being children of an alcoholic. Your courage will change the legacy of your wonderful family and will be a tremendous blessing and gift to your children and wife. Rich, you are an absolutely wonderful person and my prayers are with you as you face this head on. With love and admiration.

You are showing an amazing about of courage and strength. I can't imagine how hard the soul searching has been for you...or maybe how hard the conclusion was - I don't know..... maybe both - but you are an amazing person to fight it head on.

This won't come as any surprise to you - (because I have said this to you out loud many times) but I admire you more than almost anyone I have ever met. You have an amazing soul, strength of character, and you give so much to others. I hope this will be a chance for you to take some love and care back from those of us who you always take care of. I want you to know I will be here for you.

There is no doubt that we have gone out and acted like fools - some of those times were awesome times. OKAY -all of those times were awesome times. But really it was spending time with you that made those times so great! Izzy - it isn't boozing that I love to do with you (it is just something we did). Spending time with you is what I love to do! That isn't how I have ever defined our friendship - or where I have had the best times with you. I value all the times you took my calls like the big brother I never had, the embraces the first time I'd see you in a long time, the fact I wouldn't be where I am today without you getting me here!!!! What our friendship means to me is knowing you are there for me - ALWAYS. And I will always be here for you. You have been a rock for me. That is our friendship. That is what I think of when I think of you. Hopefully you feel you can lean on me!!!!!!

I am not sure what I can do for you right now - but know I am thinking about you and your family - I am praying for you - I can't wait to give you a money bunz hug. You are one of my heroes. I am excited for you and proud of you - as always - you amaze me. I can't wait to see you in Vegas and hope we can spend HOURS laughing and joking and catching up. It has never mattered that booze is there - I just look forward to that time to see you - to catch up and visit. I am proud of you and feel so lucky to have you in my life!

I love you! I will always be here for you!
RESPONSES're my new hero...............

WOW!! I was shocked to receive this, - I thought back to that great dinner that the three of us had in San Diego, and can't remember any one of us drinking too much. But good for you for appraising the situations and finding that there was a problem. So you are making a change, that is fantastic. I am doubly proud of you, it is not easy to change but I am sure that you realize this, - God bless you and the best of luck in making these changes (don't take that personally, we all need luck all the time) .

I am just wondering about the family, of course you already said that Susie was aware, and is now supportive. How about the kids? What was their reaction? You don't have to reply, it was rhetorical more than anything.

Again - I am proud of you - stay as focused as you are right now.
I am still dealing with, digesting, pondering your opportunity e-mail & aside from thinking you are too hard on yourself, I admire your emotion, honesty, willingness to share w/ those you care about, your candor, depth of feeling, STRENGTH of character (NOT WEAK), ability to express it oh so well, and I could go on. I am crazed myself, with the move, mortgage, decisions, all the usual stuff but all at once right now, so I am not getting my head around it which will take time. Have you been to therapy for this? It sounds like you have! Have the reverberations been what you expected?

I feel a crushing sadness that my family gave this to, I am not being defensive, I swear & know & agree that I am one of your family, perhaps the only one, who has personality changes when I drink heavily, I've been told this for years. Perhaps your opportunity is also an opportunity for serious soul searching for me, as well, tho I realize this is about you. Everyone will read something different for themselves into your startling revelation.

You are a brave & lucky man to be so talented, healthy, handsome, successful, smart, insightful & I am not joking when I say that. I think you have just as great a personality when you are not drinking as when you are...YOU just don't think so. You are a jokester! A sweet & loving one at that

I love you more every time I get another glimpse into your soul...and will never forget what you did for me for my birthday, especially the room that you & Jakie did.

The thought process behind it is what I especially appreciate...always